Tucker Carlson exposes the racism and Asian supremacy of senators Tammy Duckface and Jap Mazio Hirono

 Carlson Tucker

   Tucker Carlson came out on his huge FOX new program and basically called out Hawaiian senator Hirano and Illinois own wicked Duck of the East Tammy Duckworth as racists as these two evil Democrat stated verbally they would no longer support any Joe Biden pick in the administration until an duck faced Asian female is allowed to be part of the cabinet . Tammy Duckworth and Mazio Hirono as the racists as they are comparing them to Southern 1940's Democrat and fellow career politician Strom Thurmond as both Hirono and Duckworth want to see business and government give preferential treatment in job selection and top jobs given to Asians. 

Tucker eviscerated these two senator whores for China who work to spread racism and discrimination against Whites and Illinis all knows about Tammy Duckface and the rigged elections that were enabled getting this prejudice bitch into office and both Tammy and Hirono need to be forced to resign with their callous constant anti)American racism they express and seek to spread. Tucker exposed t bis large natinal audience the racist political army in power in states and the senate who are working against them and to implement a system that would systematically work against them with an extreme  racial preference and

discrimination set for by the Asiatics in Left-wing democrat politics. Globalsm is all about empowering the Asians and people like these two racist mongrols in Duck face and Nirono and the American people need to wake up and see what scum is getting into power and what the main motivation in implementing a raciest favorable position for others based on skin color and ethnic identity that ultimately makes up the entire goal and agenda of these bitches. 

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