Wall street bet redditors purchase and invest in gay Mountain Gorillas and Peter Schiff identifies other potential sources of animal investment

    Tony Miselli

Money Speak


    Wall street bets Redditors are adopting a beasts from the east and central part of the dark continent and each and every surviving member of the Planet of the Ape tribe in Africa is being tagged,identifies, greased, and delivered a value for potential  investment. The importance of  keeping and propping up endangered and threatened animals may become the ext ponzi scheme investment opportunity and this even has the  support of the great Wealth and fundster punster Peter Schiff of Pacific Euro Capital who said we need to buy tons of gold under each and every Gorilla encampment and actually the perfect place to store Gold and Silver is up  Gorillas anus but this technology and shrinkage ability has not yet been developed.   Already a little baby monkey named Urungano has been purchased and adopted by the  Wall Street

redditors and been given a value that s worth more than Tom Brady's contract for 2021 and many investors are looking at the long range value of this little mini-me gay gorilla that we love and want to donate t the Diane Fossey fund to protect our living relatives. Some advocates also in the health and medical field actually want to change the DA and RNA and give vaccines of virus mutation to these apes and create a super race of Gorillas and chimps and actually have a planet of the Apes in our lifetime or quell the dream of using animals into sport leagues and teams. 

Already these same Redditors  that propped up Game stop and saved this important industry of retail video games have now donated 338,000,000 million dollars into the funding and  investment Peter Schiff also is encouraging this new investment method saying it may be the best alternative to tho  predisposed to avoid the dollar  but don't want to support the environmentally  destructive Gold and Silver mining

 Peter Schiff also speculated there may be a day that actual Gorilla dust, Shark Fins, Cougar Claws, Bull Horns, and Bear Skins, and Horse Shit become as valuable and rise in value as claims of these Apes and Chimps . We not only support the redditshitting and investing of all so called 3500 gorillas in the wold Congo but also in captivity of  Zoos and we have our eye son investing in Gimp the Gorilla a Gorilla so bent over an abused in the Tacoma Zoo that he can barely move more than three feet in a day. 


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