Arnold Schwarzenegger glad his boy Joseph Baenz is nothing like Lance Armstrong's rapist son Luke

 Arnold Armstrong


   Lance Armstrong has been humiliated and is embarrassed often biking to the North woods and yelling like a Lion. Luke Armstrong is hos boy and apparent didn't receive enough  family and parental care as Lance is nothing like a father of Arnold Schwarzenegger as Lance's son Luke is on some serious hot water. it appears that a couple of years ago Luke Armstrong raped a 16 yea old  girl after a party and Luke is facing some serious shit now and has totally besmirched the family name of the iconic biker who often won may a lacrosse bike races with the help of anabolic steroids. lance Armstrong is evidently nothing like the father

that Arnold Schwarzenegger has become to the son born out of wedlock to a busty Mexican maid and Arnold  has befriends and taken his boy under his wings producing a outstanding young man that may or may not be a future Spotify podcaster of MMA fighter. lance Armstrong has created a rapist prison planet member of society and a danger to all young women and for this he must be highly condemned and called

out for his sick son who got girls drunk like a skunk and then forced himself upon them like a 10th century nobleman knight on poor farm girls in medieval France. Luke Armstrong is a major disappointment and Black rapist s sheep of the family and thankfully King Arnold doesn't have any of this problem. I highly doubt Joseph Baena will ever get into the troubles of Lance's son and attend Hollywood parties trying to get girls to drink the punch and come upstairs to stream some movies. Brother Luke was duffed and

stiffed into a local prison and will face a tempestuous trial for rape and misogyny and will further blame and shame the Armstrong name with his prosecution and Lance may just ride his bicycle off the cliff one day in a fit of steroid anger and rage about what his son has done to him and his legacy as about half of the people  glancing these news stories are doing so quickly and likely thinking Lance himself sexual assaulted a sixteen year old girl. Lance should of taken some studies and lessons from former Governed and bodybuilding champion Arnold Schwarzenegger n parenting and thus he would not be in such a position . 

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