Chris Christie returns and bashes Lying Joe Biden and accuses him of playing racial division

   Dmitri Diamond

   Former New jersey Governor has taken off his gloves and belt and whipped theft president Biden for two weeks in a row accusing the resident of making all sorts of misinformation and lies since he has taken office thanks to the rigged election. Christie says Biden;s infrastructure plan is forced unionization and increasing tax payers with paying Medicaid bills for the millions and millions of illegals the Biden admiration is encouraging to settle and invade.

Christie says Biden's continually lies on the Georgia voting bill and for claiming all of these projects unrelated to infrastructure and calling them infrastructure in order to get loyalists more money and work. Chris Christie also says Biden is disregarding the laws on the borders and the work he has done at the border is mountable to treason. Chris Christie is trying to be the come back political twinkie kid and many are suggesting he is getting more and more vocal because the former Governor not only wants to be a media star nut perhaps once again to get the donors out and support his campaign as he will run for resident once again in 2024. 
  Chris Christie is not scared to at times criticizing former president Trump but in order to get many of Trump's loyal supporters he is willing to select Mr Trump as his vice resident he has told aids if he makes the 2024 run or offer the former president  number 45 a important cabinet position perhaps in transportation of fiance and look for more criticism of Theft Biden and his awful policies by Mr Christie and a mending of the problems Chris had with Mr Trump as 2024 comes nearer and nearer and without a doubt with his articulate dialogue and intense personality Krispy Cream will indeed be a major force and major player in the upcoming Republican primary as he makes one more great run for the White House 

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