Fat Turkish pig Cenk Uygur and other libtards outraged by Tucker Carlson' s great replacement theory

  Alex Mousololpoplous

     Fox New host Tucker Carlson is facing  massive attacks by the members of the radical far left in corporate media and alternative media and one of these critics making many propaganda videos is the Turkish migrant and fat meat heat Cenk Uygur otherwise known as number 63 the Ogre. Cenk Uygur is a turkey form Turkey and paid Democratic operative with loyalty  to the Turkish Muslim supremacy regime and dictator Recep Tayipp Erdogan so naturally it would ipst him when the patriot Ticker Carlson came out and informed the  people of the attack o n our nation and rive by the global order to quickly change the demographics to ensure safety of the deep state that the Turd Cenk Ogre wants to join so desperately and kisses the ass of this wing.

Cenk Uygur is part of an ethnicity that has displace people for centuries and forced demographic change of an area.land, and stan  is something Cenk  Ogre's ancestors shave done successfully for centuries and this is why likely this fat Turk likely hated the idea  of Tucker Carlson going on-air and pretty much telling Mark Steyn during an interview about hos this is the goal and objective of the Democratic party. The Young Turks host along with other libturds in fake media are the ones promoting and supporting cancel culture  and it is hosts and soy milk men like Cenk Uygur who push forward these lies and goals in order to punish those who stand up to the left and tell the truth like Tucker Carlson did this week. Cenk Uygur is someone who has gleefully celebrated the coming demographic change an attempt by his democrat Party and for him to bash Tucker shows why this turd Turk is one of the most dishonest rotten asses with a on-line presence. 

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