Free Talk Live jag fag Ian Freeman arrest for money laundering and is cuffed and stuffed in a New Hampshire prison

Ramon Ramos

      New Hampshire separatist and freedom fighter for libertarian  corrupt class member sis the jag named Ian Freeman who for years ran a syndicated radio show for the syndicate that is Libertarian horseshit. many Bitcoin scam artists and libertarian whack jobs are crying foul to the arrest  of Mr Freeman for massive money laundering chairs in addition  to wire fraud and conspiracy and the FBI raided this gs house finding over a billion dollar sin crypto-currencies and bitcoin hiding sin addition to alot of fucking Gold and Silver bars tucked away in his mothers basement next to the play station. 

 Federal prosecutors have labeled Ian Freeman a sophisticated cyber  criminal in addition to a shitty talk radio host whom we have called man times form those blig and attempted t bait this jerk and also predicted his current demise and situation this clown now faces with his determination and drive to destroy the dollar and have this globalist  cyber-criminal type currency. Ian Freeman is a New Hampshire nationalist  and a libertarian and bitcoin supremacist and weeks after his arrest and having his assets and home raided he still sits in a sold prison cell unable to access bis home entertainment video game system nor his cryptocurrencies.

  Ian Freeman will not be joining the other hosts of Free Talk Live as he is fucked like a skunk and has no chance of getting out an accessing his Bitcoin fortunes and taking of to Acapulco or Caracas for refuge. Freeman is accused of running a multi-million Bitcoin scam which he set up fake churches and move money from donations and a Bitcoin exchange business for scammers from around the world to hide their corrupt theft shark  dark dollars.

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