Governor Jim Justice wants to reunify West Virginia with Virgin and secede form Union to open up Disney Virgianland theme park

  Neil Knight

     Jim Justice is serious considering putting his head and at in the ring for the Republican primary and one of the  main goals he has is for the reunification of Virginia and then eventually seceding from the union. Governor Justice wants justice for the citizens of West and main Virginia and thinks a population boom can occur if freed from the regulation of Democrats ad for West Virginia into survive it needs to  reunify with Virginia and go its separate way much like Adolf Hitler once ahhh wanted Bavaria to be into own unique independent country.

Jim Justice wants to Bucky's of heme parks and want s a Virginailand Disney-type theme park as he came abut with a bunch of  charts and said something drastic needs to be done about the hemorrhaging demographics and decline oft h population and a big fun theme park that practices social distance is exactly what the state of New Virginia will need in addition to its Independence.

Jim has even suggested that they build this on the grounds of the West Virginia statehouse as if Virginia reunites  it will no longer need the statehouse and he has also called for a national Bumper Car international  competition perhaps the large of the world and a complex devote to this carnival ride that would be the largest ever built. Jim Justice may have to seek out the Republican primary to carry this out and he will likely run on the platform of states rights and push for states that want to secede from the union and he can state their own federal reserve that will not reallocate a disproportionate amount of funds to the coastal cities of this country.

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