Homo J'Lamar dating expert leaves Jesse lee Petersons studio and interview in disgust

 Ed West

  J'Lamar  is some love expert and relationship know it all and he appeared  on Jesse Lee Peterson fallen state and had to deal with some tough questions on love and relationship of which he was unprepared. Jesse lee Peterson is a Christian who opposes two men or two women getting together is a sin and J'Lamar got upset when Jesse Lee

Peterson when he said only a man or women should marry and have love. J'Lamar is a homo and o obviously he is going to oppose and who books Jesse Lee's program and puts forward a guest like J'lamar is shocking

 J'Lamar and Jesse Lee Peterson got into an amazing contentious debate about love and relationship and what J'lamar does as a lifetime sex coach and expert playing the field for both straights and homos . J'lamar got offended and the snowflake walked out when Jesse lee Pederson explained to him God did not make it possible for gay men and lesbians to have children which this J'lamar disagreed and said gays can have children. The  match maker didn't explain how they

could aside form adopting or kidnapping children and without having to go out and get some others kid the GLBTVYX community cannot have children . J'Lamar is a snowflake and a half a rotten matchmaking fool who couldn't take the heat in the kitchen and I'm surprised this interview lasted has long as it  did and without a doubt Jesse must seek out guests like this turkey he can toy and play with n his award winning podcast and YouTube program.

J"lamar can't matchmaker anyone and this butt slammer was visually shaken as Jesse Lee Pederson kept interjecting religion and God into the role of love matching and families and J'Lamar stormed off set wondering to his  agent why he was booked in such a hosts program that set him off several time sin the interview before walking off in the forty fifth minute. 

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