Joel Hodgson is bored and want you to subsidize himself watching old movies talking to bots

   Otto Jansen

     Mystery Science 3000 s a concept and program that should be allowed to die and go away by for founder and desperate man to be back on cable television Joel Hodgson as long as he is breathing he will be pushing for Mystery science 3000 and more viewing of it on cable network television. news broke that Mr Hodgsdon is once again starting another kick starter for his boring television show where  he talks with two robots  and reviewing these bad movies with their usual snarly talk. Nobody wants to see mystery Science 3000 and Netflix canceled the last conception of it some year sago but somehow Mr Hodgson is once

again calling for arms and funding as no networks wanted this program anymore but  depending  how much he is given through detonators he will have six or nine more episodes he can produce and pay some network to carry. Now there are man y good charities and for people to give their money such as Cancer research fighting ASL, Leukemia disease , the Anti-Pet Association but somehow I think people giving and donating money for some fund to have his pet project old movie snarkism  and program does not count for proper charity giving . Mystery Science 3000 though are good sleep aids and maybe I will give this clown  a few bucks to raise so he can keep pretending he is someone important he live i n his own  universe and I would not be surprised  if Joel Hodgsons is such mental delusion that he thinks these two robots in his old program and series actually are some AI bots that are  ealve .

This guy can kick start all he wants but the fact is most people don't know of this program don't care, and if they came across it flipping channels 69 % would change the channel within a minute form my estimates. Joel  although is a money sleuth and knows that he can raise money from some devoted  Cheetos eating  crowd that is entertained only is delusional and viewing of movies that should have been put into enteral storage. It appears Hodgson will also try to put out another Mystery Science movie which by the following year or two after release will be put right straight into the bin at a Walgreens or Wal-Mart. or Save Mart for 3.99.

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