Mexcos and Ricans make excuses after 13 year old Adam Toledo is shot dead and Indian and Pakistani parenting much better

 Baba Pugwuthi

   One thing I always noticed in America was the high percentage of Latinos and Black youths involved into gangs and not having any adult role models that often makes recruiting readily available and easy for a 13 year old like Chicagoan Adam Toledo to join u an thug about. Few immigrants from South Asia join youth gang sin America and the difference style of parenting is example and re more to blame for the death of Adam Toledo than any over zealous police action and the ignorance of radical anit-policeism and the protest complex agitation Inc in refusing to acknowledge this fact is what often leads up to the death of

inner city gang punks in training as this Adam Toledo clearly was as a future stinker human being well onto the path of adult permanent member of our correctional system. Adam Toldeo caused his on demise by hanging with the bad hombres and the homies and he should have been a better judge of characters to hang around nd this obviously is something that is lacking in the Hispanic family structure where often a life of crime and drug peddling is the equivalent of the East and South Asians studying twelve hours a day because they want to be a doctor and into the legal drug trade. The Latino family  structure is lacking in proper role models and people who have values and integrity apparently and this us explain  why we don't see police patrolling Indian,Bangladeshi, and Pakistani neighborhoods with the same intensity as other areas that are much more disproportionately

cause high crime and despair areas that these left-wing lunatics often want to blame on other and racism instead of reflecting the cultural home habits that cause these societal problems. If Adam Toledo was killed by the Latin Saints or Imperial Gangsters instead of CPD there would be no mention of is name,age, or death and I highly doubt there would be any vocal protest in the Little Village community and Chicago. This community along with Logan Square and Back of the Yards is so heavily gang infested because the parents don't care and this is what they see n their home country as the pervasive gang acceptance of Mexicans leads to such morally ad physically declining neighborhoods and the exponentially growth if criminal gangs and  generational acceptance of gang culture often given sanctuary in these Democrat Blue cities and states. 

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