Michael Savage worried about his dog Teddy and predicts a civil war

 Dwight Dwyer

    Michael Savage took some  time on his podcast as he is no longer on corporate mainstream  media syndicated radio and has become a podcaster no afferent than a Andy Warski or a Kyle Kuklinski. Mr Savage blasted the media and says the media and members of it are working hard struggling to spread hate and ring about a massive division of society that Michael Savage predicted will lead to a civil war in this country and days the political left are working to bring about a civil war in this country.

Michael Savage worries about what type of county we are going to leave our kids and dogs and Savage says the Democrats are filled with maniac who want to destroy our freedom and way of life in order  to bring about their utopia authoritarian one party state where no power s shared. Savage said we are in preparation for a civil war because the media inflames people for the life of a scumbag Black criminal and gangster and Savage says nobody said anything or outcry of a Black football player who killed a doctor and his

grandchildren, The podcaster predicted a civil war win America and Says the same movement  that brought us Obama is one that seeks total transition change and is stirring the pot of mistrust and hate in order to meet their objective of bring this country and the economy down. The unstable culture and political strife is no accident and a deliberate attempt by outside forces to disrupt our power and ability to maintain economic prosperity for it and its citizens  Savage says the people trying to wage separatism  and rage seek to break up the unity of this country an Savage says the constitution is the main target form the enemies within and says the social media and lobbyists seek to have a tinder box with the administration of tyranny,evil  and corruption that is the Joe Biden era of this country. Michael savage worries about the future of his beloved Teddy. 

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