Mike Pillow decides to run for president in 2024

   Paulie Smalley

    How anyone can be such a valuable individual pushing an promoting selling pillows is amazing and just another case f large conglomerate world wide fraud on an economical massive scale. Mike Lindell one wold think would remain quit and stay out of politics having such a "successful" pillow empire but it appears that the ego and brain of Mike Lindell is so powerful and the man cant keep his pillowcase son and his mouth trapped shut. Mike has created such problems and a focus on him and his company for his

extreme partisan politics and attention seeking of such  camera  time and Mike Pillow desires to become president in 2024 as he wants to take over the mantle of MAGA movement of president trump and this explain why this pillow salesmen of an over-hyped pillow company with a product not much better than th pillows one ahhh can find in a Wal-Mart or Target. Mile Lindell and his pillows are stretchy  over-rated ad make no mistake this man is a corporatism and will run as a extreme corporatist 
Mike Lindell want sot buid his pillow empire and he finds it increasingly under  attack from the liberals for his political ranting of election rigging and partisan views that he thinks they ony way to beat them is to get into the game and fight back. Mike Lindell will be bringing  his Linus-type favorite pillow he has named "Sparky with him on his  campaign  trail as he has devoted his life to this pillow he has slet and hung around sine 1998 and for mike this Pillow has become part of him and may indeed be his running make as he prepares to make a run for the Republican primary or may form his own third party naturally called the Pillow Party. Mike Pillow also may be talking of running in 2024 to force trump's hand and for him to dump Pence and pick him as his running mate and without a doubt Mike Lindell is toxic for the Republicans with some annalist saying that president Trump lost the election mainly because of this pillow guy and his arrogance through the past campaign  and that he is a profiteer of over-priced pillows that don't need to be as expense as this corporate chump makes them out. 

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