Psychopath Keith Olbermann calls Tim Scott suffering from Stockholm syndrome and considers running for US senate

   Wally Jackson

    Odd ball loser and perpetual provocateur best describes the psychopath personality  known as Keith Olbermann. The former ESPN and MSNBC one time perpetual corporate mainstream  media hack is now degraded to a YouTube sight but he still is able to get newsworthy  from his stupid outlet and intake of lifes events and Mr Olbermann was at it again as he and other racist leftists took to the internet and attacked South Carolina senator Tim Scott and the crazed radical Marxist Mr Olbermann stated that Tom Scott must be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome for his support and beliefs in the Republican Party.

Keith Olbermann is desperate for  attention and this may explain why he would say such ludicrous notions about this senator as Keith Olbermann could never get elected like Mr Scott as a senator and what really set off Olbermann was Mr Scott's assertions that this was not a racist country. If anyone suffers from Stockholm syndrome is clearly is the white urban liberal so cowed and scared of the black s they will do and act like  they are their supporters and backers but in reality people like Olbermann do so out of

loathing and fear of the Blacks. Keith Olbermann is so angered and upset that a Black man is a Republican and senator in South Carolina and not a Democrat that the insane in the membrane former mainstream media asshole is going to challenge and run against Mr Tim when his term comes up and Olbermann is polling at half of one percent right now in early polls looking into whether he can amount to anything in a campaign for the US senate.  Olbermann and other liberals are attacking Mr Scott because of his  skin color and his work on the Republican ticket and political group and Olberman and the other libturds like them clearly show their bigotry on hos they talk and treat  the junior senator in

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