Steve Crowder suspended again on YouTube

   Bradly Austin

   YouTube superstar an d Louder with Crowder host Steven Crowder has seen his main YouTube program deplatformed and once again banned or suspended and he took to the airwaves of several shows t decry the continuing censorship f conservatives. Steve Crowder had a video critical of Theft Biden's administration to give more money and preference of Black farmers and his continual race baiting that was taken down in addition to a video by Crowder that mocked how we are one year into the fifteen days to flatten the curve. Crowder has been one o the leading voices battling back against the fraud that is Covid 19 health scare and lock downs of peoples business  and properties and because Steven Crowder show such resistance the insane and embittered left is going after him tooth and nail. Crowder needs to stand tall and fight like hell against this continuing attack on his free speech and the free speech of all who want to hear differentiating opinion and questiont he authoritarian approach and destruction of the health medical complexes that seek to destroy other business so they can build more of their medical complexes on cheap granted land to them form corrupt governments. If you ever noticed why all of these shell office building complexes of health disorder and lies prop up everywhere one can thank the distrustful greedy industry that is the medical field.

 Steve Crowder is going to go aftr all of the on-line social media platforms that have  bias in quickness to take out conservative and right-wing voices while ignoring the leftists that act up on-line and don't seem t suffer the same suspensions as the broadcasters of right-wing thinking and ideology against the health fascism seen today with the lies and likes of the WHO and Anthony Fauci. Crowder's platform also was a a major platform  for republican politicians to air out their grievances ad the troubles of a partisan congress and Democratic power and diabolic actions that needed to be spread out and informed by politicians like ted Cruz. Steven Crowder is once again battling the YouTube censor shipping cultural manipulators who seek to silence opposing voices to the health new world orders of the ruling globalist elite class. 

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