Yaisel Pug accused of sexually harassing his bat and s denied an opportunity for trying out with the North Melbourne Kangaroos

 Leo Yost

   Jagoff sick baseball player for ahhh the Los Angles Dodgers is a punk ass sick bitch named Yaisel Puig who has made a nasty habit in the game of baseball with licking baseball bats and balls and now it appears that this has worked against him. Puig like many Latinos have brought their native nasty habits and disgraced the game through the years and Yaseil Puig licking a baseball at while batting has been a recurring disturbing image that the thug enjoys to display and is appears he has  done it one too many times and is now in hot water. The outfield slugger is being hit by sexual harassment allegations as the dirty gordo pig that he is by various baseball objects in the game . Yasiel Puig is being sued by various baseball bats and their producers for continuing  to sexually harass bats and base balls with is tongue and the amount of

embarrassment and shame this asshole has brought forth in the game is disturbing and typical of  someone like him who comes form the shit hoe country of Cuba. Puigs baseball days in the Majors are kaput and he will have to return to Cuba to play baseball. The Noeth Melbourne Kangaroos also retracted their acceptance of an invitation to try out with the famous Australasian Rules Fotball team that Mr Puig showed strong interest and was about to had to next month in Australia.  Yaseil Puig is a steroid induced buff head sick in his head. germed in his tongue, and damaged in his brain who somehow thinks that putting his tongue on a baseball bat during a game is cool and something we all need to see and enjoy.  People like this puke  Puig is what is wring with baseball as they have no respect for the traditions and pay and it is good to see this creep suffer  allegations of sexual harassment made against him as this man is cleary a odd ball fucker who

looks like he would sexually harass any object that moved or is stationary. Yaseil Puig  is just the latest sports professional  over-paid bastard facing sexual harassment allegations but the shit head is the first recorded one who sexually harasses baseball equipment whcih is just fucking sick and typical of this bozo from Cuba. Thankfully no one on the North Melbourne Kangaroos looks,talks, acts. like this silly son of a Cuban bitch. 

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