Actress Zair Wasim quits Bollywood porn to please the radical strict Muslim mullahs such as Zakir Naik

 Peter Patel

   A huge Bollywood whore has with  the porn  industry  in India devoting herself more to her religion and making the announcement last week was the Bollywood actress Zaira Wasim. Ms Waisim has had enough of the acting industry and she says it is taking her away form her real purpose which is Islam and wearing  a headscarves and being a foot soldier for the authoritarian nature of this religion that essentially causes trouble where ever it goes and it is not in the majority , naturally the Islamic radical hate preacher known as Zakai Naik was elated and the Bollywood scene is on fire of this actresses quitting this prestigious industry in order to be a slave to Islam where women rank as third class

citizens behind men and camels. Zair also was tired of the hierarchy of the Indian porn industry that doesn't allow women like herself to be true entrepreneurs and she had no real future in Bollywood porn and basically was like a slave harem girl making all of the profits for others. it is hard to believe why this woman would want to quit her career as she has stared in a couple of movies in the past year including the hit " The Sky is Pink" which was awarded the porn industries most prestigious award in Indian in the "Silver Dildo " award. Now Bollywood is much like Hollywood with it same  #Metoo movement and problems and in order to get these roles that this woman now disdains undoubtedly  many female actresses must of been metooed into these roles through private auditions and this is a fact of life in film industries no matter where sought after acting gigs may exist. The Indian porn industry will easily replace this Muslim woman.

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