Bully and Ghost Bill Murray set to come up with a new Ghostbuster movie featuring baby Stay Puss boy

 Leroy Yates

   Bill Murray is a old fart and will be a ghost perhaps in five years and he is all over the web because  for some insane reason another Ghostbusters is coming out. Bill Murray gave a sneak preview to another movie the old hoagie is doing based on a character he did many many moons ago and this Ghostbusters will flop as did the all female Ghostbusters back in the day as people k ow anything new would not be near the original. Bill Murray says filming the movie Afterlife" and the new addition to the Gangbusters franchise was both emotionally and physically painful to him. Well I;m sure it will be painful  for the observer of  this movie as Bill Murray should really consider retirement and looks ridiculous in 2020 still wearing the ghost buster wear an gun pushing this franchise preventing a new generation at the helm and these old aging actors refusing to go way do a disservice to the industry as men like Harrison Ford and Bill Murray need to be like a good soldier and don't die by fade fade away.

 This move will reproduce the common baby these character of a prior based segment of the move as with the baby Yoda movement and there will be a baby Stay Puff soy boy and other odd changes to the original. Bill Murray is a drunk punk bully who according to Richard Dreyfus was  a complete drunk like a skunk maniac on set and one can clearly see observing Murray and how he handles himself around others the complete privileged and entitlement he has felt

form day one of fame. Bill Murray is insane in the membrane and a bully and a half and ow this man is still popular and manages credibility is amazing but from all appearances this man is on his ast leg and this cannot be denied. In thirty years Bill Murray is  not going to make a remake of the remake of Ghost busters and wild Bill will be a ghost by then. As far as the mini Stay Puff Marshmallow men they have a future and already the mini-marsh mellows vs the Pillsbury Doughboy is a movie that s being scripted. 

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