Guy Baldwin
Once again a dress code violation has insulted a Black entertainer and athlete and for Dominque Wilkens the insult of being denied a table at a exclusive eatery in Atlanta was bound to make news. The hall of famer baller went through social media to voice his displeasure with not being served and allowed in the La Bibloquet eatery where Mr Wilkens enjoys spending hundreds on snails and other items of sea food served on a patter from the French. Mr Wilkens pressure seemed to work as this famous restaurant has revised their dress code and are changing it as a result of the media attention that this long retired basketball player apparently can still garner so many years outside of play in the league.

Dominique Wilkins as a privileged NBA baller is use to people kowtowing to his every needs and the insult he faced when he told his athletic wear was not suitable was one of the darkest days for this man who immediately said that race played a part and that if he was a Caucasian he would of been let in and sit in this restaurant. Wilkens remands the respect like he is a CEO and anything short of that will be met with fierce eyes as this man is a fierce activist for racial identity causes and movements. Dominique Wilkens assumes that he can wear what he wants but also even in the National basketball league there is a dress code for its layers when they travel and move about but perhaps this man has been gone so long from playing in he league his mashed potatoes brain must of forgot this. Wilkens needs to show respect himself when going into these elite eateries and dress up man. and realize wearing a Nike shirt and jogger pants is not appropriate for this business restaurant.
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