Milton Wiener
Professional a wrestling sucks these days and one of the reasons it sucks is because of bad wrestler pushed to be movie stars more than wrestlers and one of them is John Cena. This awful wrestler has had a safety net thanks to his loyalty and kowtowing to China as the Mandarin speaking jackass likely might onl be a star because of his kiss ass to the CCP and he retracted fr a comment about Taiwan being country and he was taken to tak by his Chinese masters and funders of the stupid fast and the Furious movie franchise. China spends lavishly in American pop movie stars and production in order to gain power within culture and for John Cena life has been to good getting paid so much for his bad acting and this man can not act at all. John Cena came out tearfully to speak Chinese and tell the Chinese audience he was so sorry for referring to Taiwan as a country which it is and has been an independent country free form Chinese and Japanese control since the second World war.
John Cena or Winnie the pooh ass he Jinping Xi are not gong to change that without a war and invasion takeover whcih this something that internet host of China Uncensored Chris Chappel has predicted for years and now insists that China is months away from fulls scale invasion of Taiwan . Jimping Xi and China k though they can county on American celebrities to back up their position should China do pull a annexation of Taiwan much like Russian did on criminal years back and which the international community did absolutely nada.
Chris Chappell says he cant understand why people are surprised this American fake wrestler and actor would kiss kowtow to such a authoritarian madness that he did in apologizing to the CCP Chinese. This is what China does through the trade imbalance and one of their first expenditures and funding is to take cre of media and the entertainment industry to ensure they have the loyalty of key important cultural forces they can then use to increase their prestige and power of China.
Chappell says the Communists in China are not like Communists of other countries in the past and they are smart and know to go to peoples financial pocketbooks in elite circles and position of privileged to get the and the likes of Mr Cena to speak u and support their brutal authoritarian genocidal regime and to get celebrities to speak in support instead of years back when the celebrity class was among China's biggest critic for their action in Tibet.
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