Larry Frost
The Greek gamers and huge internet star sin Greece ar elie most wealthy Greeks globalist show come across the pond or travel across the Levant often to promote their product and brand. Nikos related how he saw this ass Cassidy Campbell wit his wigger Wankster character and how obnoxious he was in this gym for over an hour before being lead out of the gym and he said he wanted desperately to kick the mans ass right there. Nikos was seen in the background several times in the recent new video that Cassidy Campbell just released where he pranks and trolls other gym rats and makes a mockery of the people who spend so much of their time smelling other people lift and move weights and how in this Covid era the concept of
gyms ha not fallen and be displaced like other retail outlets out of safety issues alone is pretty amazing and is something that should occur. Nikos and Mistakos laid it into the dumb pranks that Campbell does and interrupts people workouts with his characters and they really hate the videos of Campbell in gyms as they are offensive to the Greek Gaming duos and perhaps the most infamous gamers ever to come out of Greece. Cassiddy Campbell is a troll and a nut who often attacks women and harasses them in his videos and the Greek R Gamers can't believe that such a guy has such a huge following.

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