Bernardo Romano
Plutocratic English baron named Richard Bronson was out and about congratulating himself after a two year space delay of his Virgin Atlantic record space ship that had a blast off and deep horizon run the other day. Sir Richards Space ship went to the outer edges of the solar system and almost made it to space and the recent UFO sightings as proclaimed and feared form the media including FOX News television hosts Ticker Carlson was finally explained.
Most experts of UFOS are now saying that the recent spate of UFOS were the cause of massive flying and testing by the British airline magnate Sir Jeff Branson who is committed to devoting his life to being the first to offer space tourism and unlike Elon Musk he does not have vision of grandeur in space exploration. King Richards rocket plane reached a altitude of 55 mile and this is so fucking high that this can be mistaken for a UFO and clearly all of these dumb based video game footage straight out of the eighties arcade that Tucker show must be showing this amazing billionaires rocket ship that he wants to allow other rich folks to see the stars up close. As Elon struggles to pout underground tunnels for one mile rides this man is elevating to the skies and about to start a space tourism industry.
Branson just wants to reach orbit and have the global elite to spend and feel entitled for these pricey trips that for a few generations --perhaps forever-- only they can enjoy and take snap shots and viral photos on their smart phones to illustrate the their elite status. Tucker Carlson must feel like a fool now as for months he has been pushing the idea that aliens with grey skin are roaming about the skies in space shits from the planet Venus when all in while it was just Branson's company and airlines preparing for the latest extreme trips. Carlson Ticker needs to apologize to his huge audience for all this space alien garbage and horseshit and just declare that what the government liars and space industrialists are seeing are the growing technology and rocketry of the plutocrats like Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and Jeff Amazon and there are no aliens or unidentified craft plunging 20000 leagues under the seas in some new attempt to scare crow and fear monger.
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