Tulsi Gabbard calls for Chicago mayor Lori Lightidiot to resign and considers running for mayor of Chicago and for president in 2024

Bradley Austin

      Former presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has joined the chorus and demanded the resignation of Chicago's mayor for the incendiary and racist comment a few days ago saying that she would only talk to Black and Brown reporters. The backlash against this moronic LEBIAM mayor of Chicago is positive and a long time in coming as this is not the first time Lori Lightbrian has said something  to this affect and something that can be construed to racism and Larry should just come out and admit he is a blatant racist .

Tulsi Gabbard also called out for other Democratic politicians to quit ignoring this bigotry form this pig-faced and pig-headed individual and to call out this mayor for what they sad and one should imagine that if Richard Daley had said this bout Black

reporters what the backlash would of been. Larry Lightfoot has done such a horrendous job as mayor he is besides himself and is using this divisive racial playbook to best distract from the fact he has been a bad mayor perhaps one of the worse in the history of this city.
  The political left loves dog faced gremlins like Lori Lightfoot and Nina Gordon as their politicians and controlling government because they have no sole and desire to see the country ugly whether it be their streets or their politicians and Chicago has had to endure the past two years one of the ugliest elected officials of both genders imaginable and that has ever existed. 

Tulsi Gabbard is a babe and looks nothing like this monster n power in Chicago as mayor and many people are pushing for Tulsi Gabbard to move to the chit hole (not a great city) Chicago is and work on taking  over government and returning the city to its focus as one of the top cities in the nation. This mayor Lightfoot is out of control and hopefully only has two years left as the city is halfway through the racist nightmare and total embarrassment that is the twilight of a one term mayor. Tulsi Gabbard also is making rumblings if not running for mayor of Chicago to perhaps challenging Theft Biden n the Democratic primary n 2024 and once again attempt  to win the White House 

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