Hundreds a spandex wearing bicyclists are injured in the Tour de France after crazed woman jumps in front

 Gastron Giroux

  The Tour of France is a horrifying and brutal elite event and a disgrace to France and My life is complete after seeing the chain reaction crash I have always desired to see at this silly spandex event. A chain reaction event as an overzealous fan attempting  to promote some company or organization occurred and hundreds of these privileged bicyclists were seriously injured and many unable to compete in the race that was delayed following this biking accident. This tragedy almost actually cancels this event and if there is ever an event that should seriously be canceled by cancel culture it is the french

cultural cancer that is the Tour De France an absolutely  stupid race that the vast majority of Frenchmen  don;t care or wish to have named after the country and only elites like this sport much like tennis.

This woman is likely a socialist and has yet to be caught by authorities as many lawsuits and heavy prosecution This was the mother of of all chain reaction crashes in this infamous bicyclist race that for generations have bored viewers on television and is not has popular as the lying media will make it out and actually this crash is about one of the few exciting things to ever occur in this race. 
  This was one of the darkest days in the history of this dark lame race and many of a career have been destroyed this day and this woman who committed this act of domestic French terrorism likely is a liberal. The woman  is described as White , French, and a leftist look-alike and one must wonder what social activism message she had in French in this sign and why she felt so compelled to obviously troll this race by causing such devastation in a unnecessary bicyclist crash caused by a over zealous fan or terrorist. This spandex bike race is much like Indy and NASCAR where the only exciting thing that occurs is when there is a pile up so perhaps the Tour De France organizers should reward this crazy bitch

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