Don't believe the hype fake news that researchers are creating eyes on mini brain tissues and teaching them Korean

 Brian Brain

   More horseshit came this past week from the scientific community as it was declared a brain tissue in a petro dish quickly created itself mini eyes to see according to the science and some researcher sin Frankenstein University in Munsterland , Germany . The brain researchers claim --without much evidence and investigation from outside sources--that they have created rudimentary eyes firm brain tissue matter in a petri dish and they showed some photograph that looked like a tissue with a couple of globs of dried poo shit or something and we are suppose to believe this to be true as we must trust

the science. There is much money demanded by these rude rudimentary stem cell scientists and in no way should the public nor the media accept this declaration as total truth and this news I can say most likely is fake news. Cerebel orgainiods were organized that can mimic somatic cells and we know this must be true as Germany;s own Frankenstein minster Angela Merkel was on hand to land her fat ass to help with the research and the implication of this research can do winders for the surveillance industry and biog brother government as eyeballs can be created out of thin air and put in the order of each garage in Dusseldorf and this is exactly what Merkel may be planning.
 The wacko lying researchers also declared that electronic signals were recorded when light was exposed to these mini eye balls and brain tissue and the signals went really haywire when music was added and Cyprus Hill's Insane in the membrane was blasted at top volume for this brain tissue that measures .00000 millimetres small. These researchers like their high incomes and white lab coats and will say anything and make proclamations that will make them look good. Thus the scientists say they can develop little  thinking brains from donated stem cells and thus poof a pair of eyeballs are now attached to some of these tissues and if you believe that these

researchers actually grew eyeballs sensitive to light sending signals like a FM radio waves then you will believe lobotomies were good health procedures. researchers are hoping ways to create lab rats and testes that can be sold  on the market and people can have their own little brains and eyes in a dish and it cold be more popular than the pet rick wave of the eighties. it is only a matter of time before ear master is declared in these brain tissue by the scientists. Brains could be transfixed  and could produce non-verbal communication between beings. The future potential of this research f]of brain tissue in the future can be applied and mini eyeballs can be put on sperm maybe to help them find their target or produce pregnancies from sex in the ars and so forth. Stay Tuned. 

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