The Punk and hick propagandist pod-caster Scott Horton has his Talibistan and considers moving over there to direct a new drama play

    Woody Underwood

    Punk podcaster Scott Horton has been for years attacking out foreign police from within with doing some five thousand programs on his platform and now he has his dream and vision of Afghanistan being replaced and renamed Talibistan. The Taliban have captured or are on the verge of capturing Kabul and with this news the biggest anti-war pro-sharia law pod caster in the West is the punk and hick Scott Horton who cares little of the consequences and brutality  potentially now going to be faced by the the average Ahmed and Muhammad in Taliban controlled Afghanistan.

Scott Horton is a apologist for Islamo-fascism and he supports Islamo-fascism and many  people are examining Mr Horton's fiances to see if indeed this propagandist is funded by none other than the Taliban himself having done some five thousand episodes where Horton blasts the American presence in some 150 countries and the important role the American military plays in keeping global stability and infrastructure of trade networks than many pundits say have prevent ed major warfare since World War II. Scott Horton like a good drama director reads from a script and is a libertarian and thus

willing to work with psycho enemies and sees Islamo-fascism bot for the evil that it is because Scott Horton is a hick and a hack for the global drug trade and desires to see the Taliban Islamist get more powerful through their extortion rackets,ransom kidnapping , and opioid production. For all we know Scott Horton is not only a radical libertarian crazed jackass but a member of the Taliban himself. Scott Horton desires to empower  Americas enemies in Iran and he hopes to see Taliban style Islamic sharia radical Muslim movements follow the step of  these Taliban fascist murderers and hopes to see Algeria's government fall he hoes to see Morocco, Egypt, Indonesia, Zanizibar, Sudan, Boko Harum,  and other governments fall to the scourge of Taliban style Muslim radicals and the likes of Al-Qaeda and Boko Harum taking over countries and spreading more weapons and terrorists overseas. Scott Horton is a Islamic fascist himself and it is the epitome of the devil as he may be Devil 1A after Joe Biden and this psychopath sees the United States as a bigger danger and terrorist organization more so than actual terrorists in the region and terrorist states like Iran who promotes and trains actual terrorists to go out and attack certain targets that the mullahs in Iran request as a target. Scott Horton has been dram reading from an anti-American anti-American military script for over a decade pushing for the Taliban to rule and for the United states to get out of Afghanistan and now the citizens and banana stand operators blood will flow when these Nazis take over and have already produced mass killing  much to the appraise and elation of the Scott Horton

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