Casey Kelso
One thing I have noticed with massive new construction and the way the economy changes is how much of the American economy has gone from a manufacturing one into restaurant one as restaurants dominate the landscape and all business identity with restaurants even slowly taking over traditional malls. Sears will close it last store in Illinois at the famed Wood field mall and surely another large Asian restaurants will take its space and the transition of our manufactured based economy to a corporate restaurant eatery has been a slow transition kicking in steam With this in and former presidential candidate and near winner of the New York city mayor race Andrew Yang is going to form his own third party and
making a 2000 a month restaurant income for all Americans will be a highlight of his new platform as why should only corporate business executives be able to subsidize these restaurants and themselves with free meals all of the time as all these people do is go out to eat too . Mr Yang is expected top call out a restaurant dividend for all Americans and not just the cortopcracy to be able to go out and eat often perhaps as often as the business class is able to do from all evidence as in now way would these people spend their own money to eat out at these pricey restaurants. Lord Yang's plan is to initiate

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