Luke Frey
The police state in Australia has gotten out of control and the govenrment gods are beating people on the streets attacking those asking for their papers in one of the most draconian measures taken by a Covid fascist govenrment and the recent demand that all construction workers vaccinate themselves has produced massive protest and an actual revolt against the Covid Nazi state of Daniel Andrews. The police were beaten back by a mob in Melbourne the other day as a massive flood of protesters defying stay at home measures defied police and battled them though the night as the
Australian Nazi state beat and arrested a score of others and what Australia need snow is importation of guns and a civil war to help the Australian patriots fight back. A disturbing scene was seen access Melbourne as people took to the streets and Australian Nazi stormtrooper police were seen corralling the protest and using whips and the administration of Daniel Andrews need to be called out as the growing authoritarian dictatorship of the medical martial law continues in Australia as this country is under globalist terrorism.

The Australasian dictator Daniel Andrews has unleashed his psychopathic police force as they use whips and beat the people and the protests the other day saw the arrest of 270 people and this man iks a nerd and a raging lunatic someone willing to get revenge on the population as this guy clearly was bulled and beaten in high school. The disturbing globalist reign of terror should alarm all freedom loving people as thus country is reverting back to a prison colony state lead by he ruling psychopaths like Mr Andrews making all of these draconian repressive laws and unleashing a police state on the average person both in Australian cities like Melbourne and the outback.
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