Black Conservative Guy Foremon blasts Adam Kinzinger and is elated he will be out of congress soon

    Gus Perkowski

  Guy Foremon runs this patriotic YouTube show called the Black conservative where he often attacks the  lying political left-wing maniacs in theinternet and on cable. Foremon surprisingly did a video on our very own Adam Kinzinger who is both a moron and a Democrat and has long used the a Republican party tp label himself because he is scared to be politician in urban cities and areas despite once being a soldier. A alderman in Chicago was recently attacked on the streets of Chicago and Kinzinger is no fool knowing full well he is a fool and would be fully beaten on a daily basis and criyng all of the time if he were a Chicago politician. Guy Foremon the Black conservative poked fun at sissy Kinzinger for his crying mic times and how now the Democrats will redistrict his seat and he likely would not be renominated even if he had the full support of his mainly Republican district to turn much more Democrat as the Democrats redraw up everything.

Adam Kinzinger is a traitor to Trump and Republican s and nothing but a selfish attention seeking trouble maker and he is soon going to be out of there. He Gone  as the black conservative says and it could not happen better to a Republican rhino out of touch with his party and the values of the people in his district and Kinzinger is a silly rat bastard dumbass from hell should of stayed in Iraq as a POW.Adam King is a Bozo politician one so out of touch in his district and he has lead his desire to be a future news annalst perhaps broadcaster in his main resistance and motivation to be against president Trump triump leading the people in his district who were going to reject and give this fucker the boot even id new district borders were not going to be drawn. Adam Kinzinger is going to crawl back under the rock where he came.

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