George Will is an old man still bitching that people dress like kids and all wear Jeans

 Arnold Armstrong

     George Will is some tired out  of date writer that should  really consider retirement. People old and still getting off by being seen at work and denying job opportunities --especially good easy non laborious jobs like a writer--is shameful and George Will told syndicated radio host Jim Bohehim that he loves coming to work everyday because unlike most Americans he has a easy going that he can arrange words in paragraphs and columns. George Will likely wouldn't enjoy going to work at Amazon ware wares a company and owned by a man that he defends often as George Will loves Amazon the company and George will is both a joke and a clown. Nobody cares or reads about

George Will but he continues to appear on shows and write these books and this man is completely clueless about society now days. The man thinks all women wear jeans when they mainly wear yoga pants and once again George Will criticized how Americans dress in his recent appearance on Jim Bohemians radio show. will spent several minutes talking about how he goes to the airport in travel to promote his lame book and being a good writer of media propaganda for news print he sees parent

dressed like their kids. Back  in George Will's day when people went to the airports they all wore suits and Mr Will says people in this country have no dignity because they do not wear suits like past generations which is completely absurd. I nor will alot of other people wear these stupid ridiculous uncomfortable clothing just to make the likes of the psychopaths like George Will feel better about society as he is so angered seeing people all wear blue jeans.

George Will's brain is butter and someone should show him a pair of yoga stretch pants and tel him women have long abandoned blue jeans. swill also is repulsed by fat women wearing tight cloths and jeans and says overweight cow women should be fat shammed into wearing old dresses aone would see primary in churches in ahhhh a Sunday.

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