Hodge Twins blast the double asses of Howard Stern and Arnold Schwarzenegger for their authoritarian harassment of people who don;t want the fucking vaccine

   Ed West

    Howard Stern is proving to be in his late age and near death age death bed to be a arrogant fucktard leftist and his recent attacks on those questioning the vaccine and calling them names is further proof this idiot Stern has been bought off. The Hodge Twins on YouTube eviscerate this asshole and told Howard tp Shit up and not worry about whether people want a foreign drug pushed into their bodies and Stern has no authority to declare war on peoples freedoms. Stern is Green in  jealously at the contract and influence Jose Rogan received and he can't believe such a independent thinker and speaker as Rogan exists and this ugly mother fucker Stern is personally offended that Joe Rogan exists. Howard as it should be noted is as bald as Rogan but arrogantly or cowardly as some would say wears this filthy ugly old wig on his head in a desperate attempt to hide this and a wig that Howard Stern should be wearing is a multi-colored rainbow clown wig. Howard Stern thinks the country should be run like how he runs his show where one individual can make decisions and

determine who gets mandated what product as Stern often ran his media empire like an authoritarian executive that he is and the likes of Howard Stern and Arnold Schwarzenegger long being a favorite son and passing the audition of the Hollywood and media cartel should come as no surprise that their voices are two of the loudest trying to shame and mock those who don't want these fucking vaccines from Anthony Fauci and an industry that essentially has failed more than it has delivered results. 

The Hodge Twins say Stern is a hypocrite as he was always battling and complaining about bog government back in the days as he resisted FCC regulations nut now the old asshole is suddenly not so into the freedom of opinion of others and Stern and Schwarzenegger don;t want others to have a voice thus they fear monger and are part of the scardy cats in the media. The Hodge's mocked Hoard Stern's Black fisted logo and says he has his fist so far the ass of the media complex in compensation thus he has to say whatever they tell him and nobody takes hos opinion seriously  anymore after he has gone Disney and so mainstream.
 The Hodges eviscerated Stern and Schwarzenegger and told Howard to shut up and that Joe Rogan is way more popular and a thought provoking host than Howard Stern who should of retired ten years ago and offers absolutely nothing to the listener  in this day and Howard Stern hates his dwindling fan base and always has hated them thinking they are fools and he is far superior in intellect. The Hodge Twins will play in Milwaukee on Halloween's eve and many of our staff will be there as the hard hitting delivery and push back against these Hollywood entertainer libs lie King Arnold and Lord Stern deserve not only a push back but a swift kick into the over-paid fanny and ars of these two dipshit assholes. Howard Stern attacked Joe Roman and th unvaccinated because he is a hack for the New World Order and Arnold Schwarzengger is also a career Austrian born authoritarian would of been right at home in a government of the past like the Nazis i  Germany or the old Austrian Hungarian empire and only his greed explains why he came to America and how it still pays off. Rumor mill has it that Schwarzenegger is s such a cunt and a joke he is thinking about restarting his career and he is going to explore the world of stand up comedy on the next and last decade of his life. As far as Stern goes in another past life and era the dweeb would of just been this loud mouth monk of pedophile pervert priest pushing a different fascistic authoritarian lie and belief religion system than the one he does now in the vaccine and the big lie of Covid. Schwarzenegger is a fucktard and would fit right in th esleazy world of comedy as this man fucks anything that moves and the untold maids and servents this Austrian noblemen has raped will never be known and he likely has hundreds of love childs and not just lord Joseph Banana

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