The compete horseshit of Sam Seder and his Emma Vanderbitch

    Cody Maloney

     The leftist mainstream media along with their troll podcaster hounds jumped on the fake story and pushed the envelope that border patrol agents are horsewhipping illegal poverty stricken Haitian on the mean streets and brush woods of Del Rio, Texas. The complete horseshit by Seder and his Viking bitch  was utterly ridiculous and typical oft he bull and horse manure this

idiot host and maniac Marxist San Seder and his work and crew at the Ring Of Fire and Majority Report ventures is able to whip out. Sam Seder and his two bitches whether it is the Greek Llyng whore  Nokimi Spasoukoulpolous or the other tramp Emma Vanuguard one can conclude the mos dishonest presentation  of news in extreme left-wing views will be presented and displayed as these people are complete Marxist's couldn't tell the

truth if they were forced. Sam Seder lies and along with his co-hosts made false accusations that the border agents were riding horses like renegade cowboys whipping Indians and the ridiculous nature of the reprehensible work this jackass lies and misrepresents is utterly disgusting.

About th eon only positive thing one can say about this  dude somehow managed to get two girlfriends and one must imagine that Sam Seder is always and has been impotent he is lucky to have this media platform to get chicks. Sam Seder and other leftists whether it  be bad podcasters like himself or the big media are now attacking this imagery and building back better the story for themselves that these horseback agents had whips and not reigns for the horses and the horseshit propaganda the political left will go to any lengths to attack the police and agents protecting this nation and attempting to prevent a mass flood of aliens and take over something of which these three maniacs of the far left at the majority report wish to see.

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