Four left wing radio hosts have died from taking the vaccine and nothing is reported by corrupt pro-vaccine media

    Benjamin Edmonson

   The news media is not repeating their lies of conservative radio hosts dying and in  recent months a group of four left-wing radio host have died shortly after taking the Covid vaccine and they were bad vaccines that caused the death of these hosts who advocated and pushed the propaganda that everyone must be vaccinated and those who didn't were somehow evil. No media reports of these deaths have  reported and  instead the media focuses on the lies of three conservative radio hosts dying of Covid which they may have been given covid based in their ideology by this wicked left-wing industry. The hypocrisy of the media ignoring the fact that many left wing radio hosts have died form taking these vaccines including

Dick Kay of Chicago ( not his real name the man long changed his real last name to his wife first name) who died over the summer shortly  after taking the vaccine. In addition fake news journalist and part time radio host and career media personality and dickhead in Chicago had taken the  Covid vaccine days before  before succumbing and it was likely the increase blood  pressure and vaccine related issues as the human body especially his was not able to withstand the stress of an unknown new source that manipulates fucking genes in cells and  the vaccine into his bloodstream. I called this son of a bitch in may and warned him that he would die in trust of these rushed and dangerous vaccines and sure enough he did and for those  who keep emailing me messages to quit talking about Dick Kay and his vaccine death go fuck yourselves. I am going to keep talking about Dick Kay's sudden and silly vaccine  death and what a kiss ass this old man was for Fauci and the medical industry and it fucking killed him.  Another left wing radio host was Canadian Edmonton  talk show host Chuck Goudie who died long mocking anti-vaccine movements and radio hosts who warned  and Mr Goudie had taken a vaccine

shortly before his death and he is just one of three left-wing radio hosts who have died after taking the vaccine and the high number of people dying from vaccines will never be covered by this pro-vaccine media that gets much of its advertising dollars in form of commercials purchased by these pharmaceutical industries intent on forcing more mandates up in the population.
 Reece Elrich while technically was not a radio host the man appeared on may left-wing radical Marxist radio programs and wrote some of the most vile propaganda against America and he was among the forefront of those leftists trying to tie Covid to president Trump and put all blame. He was also a radical nut who mocked those who questioned the vaccines and didn't do anything Anthony Faucin told them and the likes of Reece Elrich and other leftists would drink camel urine or eat horseshit if the CDC and WHO told the public it was needed to combat a virus.

The fourth left-wing pro-vaccine radio host to die was 90 year old Herman Madison of St Louis of KNUT (  who refused to step aside open a job and retire )  radio who once demanded that the govenrment go in and not only take peoples guns nut to give them the jab or two whether it be in the arm or fucking face this man was such a left-wing fanatical Marxist troll hated this country and the idea that people  would use individual freedom which he like a typical Democratic and leftist does not  believe in and sees the Covid crisis as a way to spread control and repression.

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