Mark Zuckerbert and his Metaverse and how someone can live in a Barney Miller office eternal mental universe

  Zachary Zuckerberg

    Mark Zuckerberg is kicking in his multi universe where people don't have to go out and  live a life and can work form home free of the office space problems and whack job co-workers as seen in the classic movie Office Space where a man was pestered by this psychopath Milton and this was the basic of the whole movie. Much like the movies and how people can go into a theater and unwound reality and sit in a darken room watching some story on the silver screen Mark Zuckerberg --my

brother-- is trying bring this augmented reality to your life and for an example one can live 24 seven to a constantly flown and stream of people and  unlimited story lines in the 13th precinct  in the Bronx New York in the seventies., Mark Zuckerbucks will bring  about somebody ahhh who might want to live their life in a virtual reality visual hologram of the Barney Miller show and I know I would sign up for that pronto.

One can also live in the Boars Nest or any other setting of ones choice whether be from a movie such as the canina in Star Wars or the Boers Nest bar form the Dukes Of Hazzard and so forth.  I love the prison cell for Dukes of Hazzard and Barney Miler and would pay for a virtual reality 24 hour experience and something kooky that the AI can dish up in a story line or plot, Likewise my

brother is a bit time fencer and I know he is personally working on his own metabersr where he is a pirate and can fight famous swordsmen or make up some infamous ones centuries ago which he can battle to the death on -past Swedish battlefields or English Buccaneer ships. Mark fantasized he could go back to shogun era Japan and fight ronin in Miyamonte Musashi  one on one and be declared Japan's greatest ultimate warriors One can be a detective in a Barney Miller themed Facebook Meta multiverse fighting seventies street crime and coming back tot he office for some of Yamaha's bad coffee or one can be arrested and share a cell with Marty and Clyde and gave some gay sex forced upon thee. One can also have the universe's biggest mystery

solved and this is why Barney Miller had actors who looked like real people and now all the people on  television are primarily good looking and nit ugly as they were in this classic police comedy

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