Black criminal and scumbag 21 year old Kiante Tyler couldn't believe it when he was ina court of law and was denied bail after shooting Bensenville, Illinois policemen Steven Kotlewski eight times after the officer answered a domestic call, The police in this country are under attack by armed black men but one would think it is the other way around from listening to the propagandist big four evil new networks like CPP, MSNBC m ABC , and CBS that hardly covered this and this news story was only covered by the local affiliates with none of them ever showing the picture of the black racist cop hater who committed this attempted murder. Perhaps Kianti Kuntu didn't realize that Chicago repulsive states attorney Kimm Foxx jurisdiction doesn't include Bensenville and for this savage to do such a brazen attempted murder shooting a cop eight ties he must must of felt confident Kimm Foxx would of let him off.
The shooting of officer Kotlewski who miraculously survived didn't get the same scrutiny that scumbag criminal bastard Jacob Blake received and cps would be rioting when ever one of their one gets shot and they need to be doing it in the hood where scumbags like Kitante Taylor are originally form moving to suburbs likely just to peddle drugs and contribute any little else except
making a community much more unsafe. The local media showed the apartment complex much linger than it showed the attempted cop killer Kinte Tyler who likely felt brazen to shoot the cop because he is brain washed by MSNBC to feel police are waging war on the Blacks and that they are a threat and that Democrat district attorney like Black Kim Foxx have his back.
One would think from watching the local media reports that the building was the cause of the police shooting and not this 21 year old criminal and violent ex con and the media moved to quickly blow past this police shooting another example of the war on police by thugs and violent felons in this country. I really think this Kianti Tyler or Taylor thought that KIm Foxx jurisdiction ran out into Bensenville and didn't think he would be denied bail or even arrested for popping a cop and contrary to local media reports the building did not shoot Mr Kotlewski but it was in fact a 21 year old black male. Any news commentator media monarch that denies this and attempts to run it around and lie that the issue is police needing reform and not the underground urban criminal class is lying to you and is likely a black supremacist.
The shooting of officer Kotlewski who miraculously survived didn't get the same scrutiny that scumbag criminal bastard Jacob Blake received and cps would be rioting when ever one of their one gets shot and they need to be doing it in the hood where scumbags like Kitante Taylor are originally form moving to suburbs likely just to peddle drugs and contribute any little else except
making a community much more unsafe. The local media showed the apartment complex much linger than it showed the attempted cop killer Kinte Tyler who likely felt brazen to shoot the cop because he is brain washed by MSNBC to feel police are waging war on the Blacks and that they are a threat and that Democrat district attorney like Black Kim Foxx have his back.
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