Kyle Rittenhouse crocodile tears do nothing to help and allows celebrity scum Padma Lakishma and pig face Joy Behar Democrat state celebrities to bash right-wingers and gun rights activists

 Cody Maloney

    Kyle Rittenhouse shit two commies and we have ling stated he should not have been there to allow this farce and trial to go on and the armed counter protester  youths of Kenosha should of allowed the burning of Kenosha as the radical  violent BLM protesters in Kenosha  likely  would have burned out killed ten people to death in the nights following protests  concerning the Jacob Blake non-fatal police shooting. Kyle Rittenhouse's display and shooting did nothing nut aid the libturd attempt  to disarm patriotic Americans and use the excuse right-wing patriots and those concerned with defending property and destruction are the terrorists as now a fourth defense department warning that rught-wing militias provide the most dangerous

ascension  for domestic terrorism when in fact domestic terrorism should and always will include black criminality and the urban war zone these gangs and drug pushing culture in cities is available to provide as a high cost of living . Kyle's crocodile cries also gives the disgusting and repulsive libtard sin media and two examples of is are top chef and high income earning and super wealthy padma

Lakshmi and dub "Views" program host Joy Behar an excuse to get their stupid names and hypocritical lies and misinformation out there on the libturd press and Padma Lakshmi a Brown supremacist  turd and fascist the pretty face of pushing authoritarian CDC mind control on American Needles to say Joy Behar is the old ugly face and the lies and wicked views she shares ofn the program called the "Views is repulsive and no one takes this ugly witch seriously and she is a fucking  idiot. Padma Lalkismi is a racist and sees the world in a racialist view and she and  the  old bat walking corpse  Joy Behar are racists in addition to being celebrity trolls against anything one can connect with conservatism America first,  and Republicans. 

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