Thom Hartmann has Frances Moore Lappe on his show and they say we need to learn to eat bugs like Frogs in YouTube videos

 Dominick D'Souza

    Thom Hartmann is a left-wing propagandist who lies and distorts as much as he can and does so often with the aid of crazed guests as nutty as him. Thom recently had Frances Moore Lappe who wants to tell us through her books how we have to eat much less meat and be more organic in every aspect of our life. The crazed vegetarian shared her history of vegetarianism and Mr Hartman also spoke how

back in the day after trippen on daisy he decided only to eat them and eat grass giving up meat. This is great for them nut for this crazy bitch and Hartmann the idea and demand others follow the strict dietary guidelines and decisions is one of the more annoying aspects of lefties who continue to lie work with global Hindus to push to object to the raising of cattle and livestock for meat

consumption because THEY are offended others don't share their diary or religious preferences i don't care about all the waste and how grains provide more human the fact is many  others enjoy the eating and consumption of steak and Francis Lappe Moore and Tom Hartman can kiss my ass if he thinks we need to quit wasting grain for animal feed. The inefficiency of food alarms these two quacks and Hartmann and his guest once again made the predictive proclamation that much of the world eats bugs and the Western world needs to adapt for best of the planet.

Ms Lappe told Hartmann that indigenous societies do not waste as much and have been eating intersects and creepy crawlers for a millennial and that there is nothig wrong with eating crickets, cockroaches, grasshoppers , and ahhh Earwigs for a daily diary habit. Frances says vegetarianism is the way to goo and the goal of radical weed eaters and smokers like Hartmann and this screwball is pushing for govenrment regulation and costly initiatives to discourage the livestock industry that slaughters and kills so many of Frances's beloved cows who she connects more spiritually and

mentally than with people.  
 The far left will not be happy until all of our meals are meal worms much like the pacman and Bullfrog video vloggers and pet videos as they eat anything that moves and the vegetarian likely would soon ave a problem wih the eating of insect sif it was ever accepted and would be pushing against that as well. Thom Hartmann has once again proved that he is a big leftist shill for the biog lie of climate change and this woman and her promoting another propagandist book is more of the nonsense and horseshit that is identified in the Thom Hartmann radio brand in national syndicated radio and the man has and always will continue to be a annoying bug.


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