Alex Jones turns on Donald trump and calls him evil

 Neil Knight

    Former clown president Donald Trump was eviscerated by one of his most one time adherent hacks as InfoWars host and maniac Alex Jones attacked the former president because he gloated about  his rile in the production for vaccines. Mr Jones likely discovered that president Trump was a coastal elite corporatism and he has always been one and how Mr Jones was conned into thinking

Mr Trump was  one if them is still not quite understood but it appears in their virtuous hatred for Hilary Clinton and then her former president husband in slick Willie Clinton and many people like Jones made amends and ignored the fact Trump was a celebrity entertainer and celebrity with ties to the ponzi scheme real estate industry.

Alex Jones called Mr Trump ignorant or one of the most evil people in the world to advocate for vaccines and Trumps support for Anthony Fauci and the CDC vaccines drove Alex Jones bananas who went on a rant and unmercifully attacked Donald Trump that would of made Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper Anderson blush. Jones was clearly agitated and on his Christmas  broadcast he felt like the grinch despite its Christmas studio decoration that was decked to the halls as Mr Alex was triggered in the days before Christmas where all was silent even a mouse except for Trump who told Candace Owens he was proud and very loud to be part of the vaccine scam meal with turkey and ham. 

 Jones lambasted the former president and warned Trump his  legacy will be looked more negatively as he admonished the former president that many see vaccines as the tool for oppression and modern health authoritarianism and how Democrats have used the whole Covid 19 to make a full frontal attack on our civil liberties and freedoms and Trump should not be so proud of his involvement in this nefarious industry. Unfortunate Jones censorious rant against Trump was used against Mr Jones as twitter handles and bits made videos ridicule and mocking Jones going after a man he once immortalized and turning on him and they are gleeful to thinks of the right and conservatives fighting among themselves. 

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