Patrick Jennings
Irwin Redlener is not a real virologist but he plays one on television as the pediatric doctor makes many media appearance sand reckons himself a expert on the virus and he does as much as he can ti propagandize an dosh fear in the medium. DR Irwin Redlener is a scumbag and half one of the more repulsive doctors and "science" out there promoted and pushed out in the media and once agina this piece of shit appeared in the Stephanie Miler radio show. Perhaps Dr Redlener is for Stephanie
Miler's libtard radio who what Aaron Roger's is for the Pat McAfeee program and he is a weekly annalists of both snake oil and horseshit pharmaceutical drug information and Redlener is a psycho and came on the wench Miller's program as both of these nimrods are bought and paid for advocated for Covid control and the empowerment of the center of Disease Control to have all aspects and control over your life and that of your children, Dr Irwin Redlener came on Miller's bad radio syndicated
program and demanded that schools test daily and mask all children and he doesn't want to see a fucking kids face ever exposed in a school this man is such a ridiculous bastard . As usual Redlener bashed former president Trump and Ron De Santis and Dr Doom is a joke and just a jackass propagandist for big pharma. The amount of fear and lies that this pediatric pretending to be a virus expert. Redlener spread lies to Stephanie Miller's audience that kids should not be unmasked
Redlener is stupid as shit and nothing he says should be taken seriously as this man is driven by politics in everything virus related and again this rat is a pediatrician and not a virologist and why this shit keeps getting median appearance is surprising and can best be surmised that he is paying for it as his ego is such huge and so obvious in these interviews. I wonder if Redlener is in some sort of arrangement relationship and that is nailing this lebian Stephanie Miller and they are a thing or a pay to play associate. Redlener like old prick Anthony Fauci have a fetish of seeing people jabbed and enjoy the profits and good economic news and no doom it brings their industry and is preciously why this man says what he does and appears so often on MSNBC and the CCP network
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