Leftist troll and Argentine and Israeli transnational troll David Pakman makes first official leftiest attack video on-line against the presidential ambitions of Memhat Oz

   Jay Yang

     The health  officials that lame brain dumb ass Daivd Pakman supports are the ones approved and vetted by the CDC and most doctors the left support are ones that support the approach of authoritarians and repression that the Center of Disease Control are willing to bring about and support.. David Pakman is a shill for China and a leftist punk ass bitch like no other who lies and misinforms as he has done so in his obsessive Trump disorder of the past six years a s not a days shows of David 

Pakman goes without him bashing former president Trump whop was denied a second term by the biggest international election fraud campaign ever committed as said by the current scumbag commander of chief Joe Biden
  The hackman for urban Democrats and this Che Guerrero on acid and soy milk David Pakman is now concerned of Dr Oz and his chances of becoming senator in the land of Oz and Pennsylvania and within hours of Memhat's bid for both the senate and presidency this Argentine-Venezuelan socialist took to his one million  subscriber base on YouTube and blasted Dr Oz with a hit piece  from Oz and hell that only this David Jackass can deliver soe effectively as one of the premier propagandists and well funded program put there. 
 In Hackman's December 1 video show attack of Dr Oz he labeled this surgeon who has saved countless lives a quack because he holds a opinion on lock downs and masks that goes against the demands of Democrats and big media and Dr oz is a beloved humanitarian soul who is way more smarter and a statesmen than this dishonest YouTube troll could ever strive and imagine to be and DR Oz's bravery  and ability to stand up to the Medical Marxists is what makes him such a threat to Jinping Xi's audio soldiers and propagandists such as this Panamanian prick Davis Pakman.

David Pakman doesn't know what nation or tribe he belongs because he goes wherever the money goes and tells him what to say in support of this authoritarian Chinese style approach the evil Democrats are attempting to move America and thus the world into and Dr Oz taking a senate seat from Democrats and one day eventually becoming the next Trump doesn't sit well for this Communist David Pakman. David Pakman also is a elf Dr Spock looking Oz type thing and perhaps Dr Oz reminds David of his dad


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