Jay Yang
David Clarke the former Milwaukee Sheriff blasted Don Lemon and named him the worse broadcaster of the year as Clarke says Lemon had nothing but disgust and mistrust in this political partisan era and the latest action and words of don Lemon was strongly condemned and basiclaly Don Lemon thickness only reporters from friendly left-wing global media outlets such as his should be in the White h\House press briefing room. he moron CNN host was eviscerated by Milwaukee County sheriff host David Clarke who basically questioned why reporters at CNN are allowed to ask the president questions as many people would agree CNN is not a legitimate news source corporation and wields the same discourse and lies that Lemonhead accused Fox News.

Don Lemon stated the beliefs that FOX should not have Peter Ducey asking Jenn Pskai questions because Lemon and the gang at CNN don't want their president treated with disrespect and how they treated Trump and that Lemon is a fucking idiot wishing to suppress the ability and voice of those who he doesn''t agree . Don Lemon and the media control authoritarians at CNN which is essentially owned by the Communists in China are the real threat to out national Democrat and Dob Lemon and others shit heads at CNN and MSNBC want only softball questions asked at Biden and his press secretary Peppermint Patty,

Don Lemon is both a Don Homo and a Don syndrome clown who is a propagandist and a authoritarian stroker who believes only easy questions and soft treatment should be given to an incompetent president because he wears the uniform of his team and Lemon is constantly been a lying voice though th media and this man should not be allowed to give his opinion and have the news broadcast and outlet be declared a legitimate news sources because Lemonade is such a pad hack for certain economic forces and agenda narratives who seek to interfere in politics and put their corrupt officer sin charge in politics .Clarke announced that this president is pathetic and that Biden is a bum has to have this woman answer press question that his old ass should be out there and answering and he refuses because his brain is dead and he is unable to answer nothing but the easiest questions and why Old dumb ass Joe even has a press secretary to answer questions as this practice is unheard of before form a presidency and administration as this old idiot is never out there to be called upon and asked what the hell he is doing in policy and administration.,
Old Joe and his brain unable to correspond a appropriate answer |
Don Lemon serves his repressive maniac dictator in office and this is because the CCP/? CNN media entity and cross funders seek to have established his puppet old nasty mother fucker into position of leadership as in no way did this dictator jackass Joe Biden receive 81 million votes and Din Lemon and CNN lie when they say there was no election manipulation and theft
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