Casey Kelso
Thomas Pikkety and his research group knows the pandemic pays and has brought fortunes for the three thousand billionaires that have seen fortunes increased since this pandemic of fascism and mind and thought control. Pikkety is a French professor of economics who has often expressed concern to growing inequality that has usually turned to deaf ears from the mainstream corporate big globally connected rotten and political mischievous media. This same media gets most if not all of their funding from business and organization that the super rich own and thus they seek to silence any news and information provided by Mr Pikketty and the news his research group brought up the other
day about the pandemic and how the rich have made off further like the bandits that they are will be more fodder for this information that will hardly get a blip of discussion by the global community of media monarchs and those in positions of power to broadcast their economic and social propaganda. Pikketty also observed that ten percent owns 80% of the worlds wealth and he and his team said the pandemic and closures and economic elimination and participation for so much of the workforce while millions in free grans given to business owners who quite literally are slow to hire people has also exacerbated the situation. Pikketty makes some non major media appearances and speaks in such broken English that he might as well as be speaking Japanese or Korean as people do not understand half of the shit that he says when appearing on small media outlets like Bloomberg. This dude needs some good English speaking lessons.
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