Tomas Butterfield killed by a Left Shark

   Brandon Hunter

     Animal Stories


   Tomas Butterfield will not be boogieing any more in the dark Blue waters off the Left coast. Mr Butterfield was visiting family and naturally the men from Sacramento was eager to get into the ocean despite his families warning there were dangerous left sharks in this Northern California country but known area of Morro Bay is a well known  hotbed of maniacal sharks who are color blind and dumb often unable to tell man from seal. Mr Butterfield was surfing on a boogie board while and paddling when what is thought must be a Great White Shark made its way and tore into this mans legs killing him instantly and this attack on Christmas Eve made headlines around the world. This guy must h[of had a death wish for Christmas. He was discovered by a female surfer with his head in the water and floating like a log as he was deader  than a door knob. 

 Butterfield's family stated that Tomas loved the ocean and water and he often wished he could be a fish. Mr Butterfield doesn't live the ocean because he is no longer with us and this man did it to himself and why the CDC does not declare oceanic activities and leisure as a public health concern and in no way should this guy have been allowed to go deep  into the waters with a boogie board no less a much to curtail and discourage people from using the ocean for entertainment and this is the environment for wildlife and sea beast sand nit for primates on surfboard needing a wave to feel a rush. 
 Tomas Butterfield and other arrogant humans need to stay out of the Left Sharks environment and I'm shocked that Californian shark attacks are as rare as they are as these Sea Beasts  are all over and California must have the most surf boarding assholes in the country thinking they are all special and privileged to venture out in the sharks habitat and we can only root for more Left Shark attacks on these arrogant A holes who insist on keep surfing in areas they should not be and are nit at the top of the food predator chain as that surfboard does little against a Bull ,Tiger, or White shark. Tmas Butterfield killed at the age of 39

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