Bernardo Romano
Alexandra Casio Cortez has come down with Covid Omicron after licking a virus off her boyfriends toe last week and the news that their Green Party infiltration to the Democratic party getting sick was welcomed news by many log annoyed by this crazy woman and her nefarious role in our political scene.
Alexandria Cortez has contracted Covid and is sicker than a horse as she and her teeth resemble and with her youth and beauty she likely will recover very soon and be back haranguing leftist crazed Green party politics . In fact, many are predicting Alexandria Ocasio Cortez despite her recent Toe Covid contraction is a potential threat and a challenge from within the Green Party and she would challenge and primary Joe Biden himself as the left and Biden do not see things eye to eye and toe to toe.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez likely contracted Covid from her boyfriends toe as she went about in a recent trip in Florida attending gay and transvestite drag contests and she was seen on camera without a mask getting close and within breathing distance with many a gays s and lebians in some Florida cow town or ritzy city
and popular Youtuber and pranker wrapped and undercover as she is planning on running for president and she and her camel toe don't want the world to know that she is dating such a guy. Alexandrian Ocasio Cortez's presidential bid in 2024 or 2028 but beyond that she will start to resemble Nancy Pelosi and will be just a regional politician. Now one will be obsessed or will AOC be able to lay claim people are interested in her sex life once she looks like Nancy Pelosi of Hillary Bitchton. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is running for president and whether she is more successful than Hillary with another beau who is a big Arkansas goofy ball Youtuber is nit known and we will have to wait to see.
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