Jay Yang
Lying far-left radical radio host Stephanie Miller was like many leftists this week coming out in mockery of former president Trump and his tough interview with National Public Marxist radios in a tough interview some felt. One of these was propagandist Stephanie Miller who said Trump got tough questioned and was plastered and frustrated which replying this interview she obviously lies which has been the trademark if this socialist lesbian from day one of her bad politically partisan radio program. Stephanie like other on-line libshits thought that Steve Inskeep owned the former president in this interview and won
because a very busy Trump cut off this long winded interview where Inskeep kept trying tlak over the president as he made mention three separate times on the devils den of a extremist leftist outlet that the 2020 election was indeed rigged and stolen from the current maniac who resides in there right now. Trump left the interview that was long enough and again the political left must realize that Trump is a very busy man and when he sees an interview just being an attack ad and negative he is not bound by a code of ethics to remain in this boring interview that was going no where and Trump didn't plan on this immature host in
Trump hanging up on the NPR incompetent hack |
having a long interview nor was Steven Inskeep of radical National Public Radio deserving of such a interview. Mr Inskeep was humiliated that after Trump said on three separate occasions he wanted to deliver another gotcha question about what some judge with a Indian funnies name was quoted and Trump didn't stick around nor likely cared what this one judge was quoted as to saying about election integrity because both the judge,Steven Inskeep, and Stephanie Miller have no absolute integrity and are nothing by political hacks and whacks.
whether this skank bad comedian likes it or not it was Trump who by cutting off this stupid interview after accomplishing what he intended to do and to terminate interview this NPR prick and the left-wing world that he will keep hammering on the need for election oversight an integrity making mention of the obvious that Old Joe could only win through election rigging that the Democrats used with changing election laws with Covid to bring about the biggest election fraud campaign the world has ever seen as this old maniac even stated in his defiance and ignorance letting his puppet masters to see how dumb and oblivious the American people can be touch easy take over and wreckage of our democratic process.
Another member of the GLBTVLIB community against Republicans Trump |
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