Wally Jackson
The Washington Post propagandist and demonic writer known as Jennifer Rubin made news defending Joe Biden profusely in her columns and defending her committed sex lover and the Center of Control disease spokesman director known as Rochelle Walsensky. Mr Rubin defended fellow look alike with the fact that Rochelle Wakensky as spokesmen for Joe Biden's illegal vaccine terrorism against Americans that the vast majority of people succumbing to Covid have four or MORE. commodities and most of the deaths to the unvaccinated are due to this as hundreds of thousand people suffer and are addicted to health issues and prescribed drugs that do little time
improve people conditions from the big pharmaceutical industry that have found new and unique ways to profitize from the illness and sickness bad decisions form other people. Jennifer Rubin tries to cove ro for the ineffective leadership and rule of Theft Biden and also help pout the CDC director Rochelle Walensky who let it slip in an interview with "Good Morning America' that the vast majority of Covid deaths are the result of individuals with other health problems and issues.
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