JIm Jordan and David Clarke blasts Illinois creep Adam Kinzinger and the former Illinois representative pussy appears on Meet the press wit Todd Chuck

    Jason Fool

  Motley Fool Report


Former foolish Illinois representative and soon to be jobless politician best describes Adam Kinzinger of Illinois who still is trying to make name for himself and appears often on media and did so again trying to deliver his anti-Trump behavior and attitude. Adam Kinzinger appeared on nobleman Chuck Todd's program and the praganda King Adam he attempted  to  push forward a Rhino political agenda and gave his potential moves and politcial direction  in the future but now he sees that people in his own state see him for the con job fake Republican that he is and the man has no integrity. Tsi mnans polticla future is kaput . Adam is n the January 6th commission and has insisted former president Trump and his supporters must pay as Kinzinger called on for more FBI

resources  be used and to investigate and arrest as many people as possible he told Lord Todd Chuck. The former representative from Illinois South of Joliet in the Channohah area has bee deplatformed and had his district merged into a more Democratic zone and Kinzinger is scared to stay in Illinois and run against the establishment Democratic lords such B Boss Hogg Pritzker and Tammy Duck Fuck  Face.

    Congressman Jim Jordan saw the smears this fake Republican was making and he took to his twitter handle and an appearance on the David Clarke podcast in Milwaukee to totally lam blast this fool  Adam Kinzinger blaming Republicans like Kinzinger grandstanding looking for attention for himself and what Kinzinger really desires is a bit time television media slot and member of the royal court jester fools  of media  at either CNN and MSNBC and thus these networks can say they hired a Republican. Jim Jordan stated he thought Kinzinger was going to cry live on air with Chuck Lord on Meet the Press rehashing hsi fear and scare on January 6th and

Kinzinger has joined with the overstretching of threat this minor protest was and is now being used by the psychopaths  leftist Democratic and insane Rhino Lincoln Project Party within the Republicans which this fool Kinzinger obviously is a part. Both former sheriff David Clarke and Jim Jordan attacked the Republicans who voted for impeachment and that voted against our democracy and Jordan and Clarke said the real insurrectionist are BLM terrorist and those within the Republican party like Kinzinger more willing to fight fellow party members than attacking the terrorists of the left that

caused chaos all summer long  and as of 2022 Illinis representative Adam Kinziger said nothing of the insurrection and looting of American cities large and small by ANTIFA and  we say is this fool  Kinzinger likely was there at many  of these BLM uprisings a domestic terrorism protests. Adam Kinzinger is a scumbag fake Republican always has been a Democrat and always will be a lying Democratic misleading political figure and now thankfully this foolish  the silly goose bastard will not even have a office  position anymore anytime soon because he is a fucking fool and this is known to voters and political experts and it was great to hear Sheriff Clarke and Jim Jordan lay waste to this idiot.

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