Jimmy Fallon had Covid Omicron and is on deaths doorstep as Monique and Latisha do a death be funeral dance again for a bad late night telvision host

  Bert Berg

    Late night unfunny propagandist Jimmy Fallon is on deaths doorstep as he is the latest of these lat eight bad comedians to come down with Omicron . The bad comedian and unfunny late night politician partisan lime Seth Myers came down suddenly with Omicron and he couldn't breath for a couple of hours after drinking some gin and juice and his show like the other Jacksses was for the time being an done can only hope these idiots Jimmy Fallon and Seth Myers perhaps may never return Jimmy Fallow has contracted the dreaded and over-hyped Covid flu which is a flu like flus past but the hospitals and expensive doctor want to maintain their incomes and luxury living and thus Covid is fromLate night funny joke man Jimmy Fallon in on deaths doorstep and once again this week our Backpage whores Monique and Letisha are doing a dance to speed up the process and allow some new media opportunities for other celebrities to fill in the shined daily shoes pf Jimmy Fallon. Both Fallon and Myers  is a arrogant prick two who is not deserving of his role in the media and the man lies in order to please those money masters that push such a rotten individual like Jimmy Fallon and tho the Jimmy on late night television program to deceive and lie about the days news with a political slant for the Democrats.Jimmy Fallon is both a dipshit and a dipstick has added nothing to late night programming and he has totally tarnished the Late Night television iconic  legend and status of this name disgracing Johnny Carson's legacy

 All twelve or so of these global corporate mainstream bad late night television hosts push forward unnecessary in their program a Democrat party agenda and promotion of it one would think these programs ceased being an entertainment program and essentially are political ads for the Democrats.These late night hacks for the Democratic Party tlak to much and spit in each others faces as they prepare their daily propaganda programs that their low rated interview ate night programming has staff of hundreds despite the program still being shit and such obvious political shill few people turn into anymore to observe this horseshit. 

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