Cody Maloney
Hypocritical sports Marxist broadcaster and writer Dave Zirin is attacking pro freedom and civil rights athlete Kanter Freedom Aka former Enis Kanter Turkish athlete and National Basketball league player for being an activist nut not like a Colin Kapernik is seen in a recent diatribe the psychopath Zirin did for a podcast called Celtic Lab. Dave Zirin is a ranting main woke activist he pretends to be a journalist when in fact he is a racial activist and race baitor wishing to promote Black radical politics into the sports world and this has been what Nation writer Dave Zirin has been and been promoted pushing left wing politics and
Democratic party politicos. Zirin is a fascist and propagandist broadcaster and hypocrite as he is angered hat Eni Kanter is critical of woke NBA corporatists hypocritical work in China despite the human rights abuses of this evil country and government.I don't know how I found this video in podcast but it was on the Boston Celtics website and things are rent decided along with the coast of Celtic Pride podcast to call Enes Kanter attempting to assimilate to be white and trying to become like because he takes a stand against communist China. Dave Zirin appeared on Celtics Lab 78 podcast and he and the libtard hosts of this podcast blasted the Turkish American who is a big advocate of freedom and critic of China and Lebron James and criticizing both will make you an enemy of this jerk
Dave Zirin . Zirin is a egregious leftist woke silly bastard and he loves Lebron James and would do anything for King James Zirin is such a queer for this baller. Dave Zirin and the hosts accused the Turkish-American NBA ball player of eager to assimilate into American culture and attempting to be website and this explains his stance and Dave Zirin should be fired and sued for such a comment given his outrageous voice in sports media as the woke fuck was one of the first to bring racial politics in professional sports and media. Dave Zirin is s sports fascist who demands each and every NBA player sound and talk like him on politics and China and its genocidal repression of Uighyers is taboo for Zirin as he concentrates the vast majority of his writing for paying racial division and talking about how evil and rotten this culture is and not others especially one that benefits and supplement so much money to leftist ideology and promote progressive communist ideas that sportswriter scumbag Dave Zirin advocates as editor of the Nation propaganda network.
Zirin is triggered by Kanter Freedom and the fact that he sounds like a right-wing selling shies critical of the country and government that this shit head Zirin prefers and respect the mist which is the CCP government of China. Dave Zirin serves this country and supports them and their funding of Lebron James happy that James brings left-wing bias and lying politics into the league and he trusts and feels great at the idea of the National basketball league practically being owned and bought for by China and expressing their interests within te dialogue and voice of this sports league in America
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