Arnold Buckley
The cryptocurrency exchange Binance has benefited from the movement of illegal and dirty money laundering tactics of the uber wealthy a;ways looking to produce change and disruption and cryptocurrencies are attmeot for the criminal global class to move about illegal money away from the eyes of government that have the ability to prosecute the super wealthy for their high crimes. A new billionaire is being developed and process in the ultimate of globalists and this Chinese born money migratory Canadian globalist named Chenpeng Zhao who is the founder of the fraudulent Bitcoin exchange called Binance. Bloomberg recently announced this con man with a bitcoin exchange platform as being the eleventh richest person despite only producing a platform few use and he is another example of the wealth creation through bitcoin transaction and the fraud that accompanies this movement. This guy has suddenly moved overnight into the top spots of the world richest sick souls
with an incredible overvaluation which the global new world disorder do to produce new wealth and royal member and this sinister sedulous Zhao also holds ht most bitcoins of anyone which are not included in this mans wealth and this clown being a billionaire with a product and exchange that didn't exist a few years ago yet used by few people who know if it or him is further proof we are in this sick technocratic feudal system and all most be done against these new plutocrats of tech and of this fake currency. This destruction of society through wealth transfers to big tech overlords has long been predicted and seen as a formidable challenge to humanity since the PlayStation game and character of cryptodermium and his intense hatred for humanity and the rise of cryptocurrencies seems to have the same agenda.
The business fraud community wants to make out this snake oil bitcoin exchanger as some sort of visionary with their fake news of him being a fry cook at McDonald who moved suddenly to hold and found the biggest money laundering fraud cryptocurrency exchange in the world and that he is deserving billionaire status for his enabling of global fraud to develop and go into hyperward gear/speed
Make no mistake a Chengpeng would not become the eleventh wealthiest man without a corrupt big government and global banking order preserving this staus for this guy and his over-valued exchange and the plan of this mans company and for him now to rank up there with Bezos ,Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Bill gates and others is a by product of some ulterior motivation of the elite class to establish money into a certain cause or movement and this is more likely why this new fame and fortune has found itself into the direction t=of this nefarious movement. In fact, as this Chinese globalist makes the top ten list of
wealthiest con artists of the world he is facing massive regulatory inquiries and attempts by govenrment and he has refused their question and regulation requests and his failure to comply with simple regulation requirement s of his obvious fraudulent Bitcoin Binance company will be this maniacs downfall as in no way should this man be as rich as the mainstream business and bitcoin press are attempting to make out this Chinese Canadian globalist and new possibility for a George Soros octopus to form and meddle into the affairs of various countries. This man is a fraud as he provides trading services around the word with no registration and the complete willingness and fraud this CEO of Binance has been able to provide is staggering.appalling and yes shocking. This man may also be a member of the CCP as well as this Chinese fraudster and his company was founded in Shanghai and has a committed goal of the freedom of money and the freedom likely to fund such projects financially that support global one party statism and increase government authoritarian and rule of the elites and wealth if it.
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