Propagandist professor Nicolas Christakis goes to bat for big pharma on Neil de Gras Tyson podcast

Leonardo McGregor

      Academia is pwned by the corporatists  and their lefties hacks and the rotten state of our higher education system is because of men like professor Nicholas Chriostakis who came on Neil Dice Grass Tyson's Star talk and lied and talked about social media and how resistance to big pharma vaccines is the result of misinformation and freedom of people to spread the word. Mr Christakis complained abot how people question the right of govenrment to handle a pandemic and use of social media to spread resistance against the science which this elite and this horrible monster professor is triggered as

people don't tryst Joe Biden and the Democrats and Mr Chistakis is just wrong on all fronts and no  amount of comedy from Chuck Nice and Neil Tyson could save this wreck interview. This sociologist and fake doctor claims the dynamics of social connections and the spread of misinformation is what is preventing full vaccination and full profits fir big Pharma industry and this clearly upsets Mr Christakis who thinks anyone who disagrees with Anthony Fauci and other health experts are liars and spreading lies.
 Dr Chiristaklis is a authoritarian leftist and he said the vaccine along with climate change are two of the biggest threats for mankind and we must all battle misinformation and those who don't jump in agreement and with live for the CDC and clearly this maniac professor at Yale is one of many fascists that need to be identified that are part of our educational system spreading lies for public health empowerment to be used to control and persuade the public into their line of thinking an d agree with their lies on the environment and accepting social control as it is done with China. There is no doubt in my mind maniacs like Nicholas Chrsitakis say the horseshit they do with all of their sociobiology  crap because like all socially departments in colleges they are made up of extreme radical liberal who want to do and propagandize as much as they do to promote their social justice calls, The lies  and propaganda of manipulation that professor like Nicholaas Christakis spread through their social connections their form of fascism and thought control and propaganda is what exactly professor Christakis did in Star Talk with Neil Tyson De Grass this past week. Mr Christakis says because this fake virus of Covid and lies that many people claimed to have had it and didn't have many symptoms was part of the problem as if more people died they would accept and take these vaccines that professor Chistakis demands everyone get injected despite the evidence that nobody vaccinate stops the virus or prevents the spread and just supposedly prevent hospitalization which there is no evidence aside from those who push and promote vaccinations 


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